Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Rainy Days and Mondays Always Get Me....Extremely Excited!!!!

I know. I know. You've heard the stories about the ants that gather and prepare for the winter. Turn on the news or financial show and you'll hear the gurus talk about the need to save. As faux finishers we know that there are typically ups and downs throughout the year. We go from 0 to 60 in a day. From nothing on the books to 2 months booked out in a few days. In order to weather this storm I've got a couple of recommendations.

1) Get out of debt!
2) Get a 6 month emergency fund in place
3) When you are not doing actual work pound the pavement for lead generation.

This blog is for those of us in the faux finish industry, but I think this advice will work for anyone. As always have a fabulous day!

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